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What If My House Won’t Sell During A Divorce in Cranford?

By John | September 14, 2018

If you’re going through a divorce and you’re trying to sell a house, you might be wondering, “what if my house won’t sell during a divorce in ?” That’s a good question to ask so be sure to read this blog post and we’ll share our best answer with you… A divorce can be a…

How To Sell A House With Fire Damage In NJ

By John | September 14, 2018

Whether big or small, fire can be devastating to a house and the people who live inside of it. Just because your home has fire damage, doesn’t mean it’s unsellable. Unfortunately, many houses are sold after being damaged by a fire. In our latest post, we will offer tips on how to sell a house with fire damage…

How To Avoid Running Into Mortgage Paying Trouble for Cranford Homeowners

By John | February 22, 2013

You may think it’s only the tenant who has a hard time paying the mortgage, but as a real estate investor or landlord, there may be times when it’s hard to pay the mortgage on your end as well. Here are some things you can do to avoid facing difficulty in paying your mortgage each month. Keep…

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