Guide to Appealing Property Taxes in New Jersey

If you’re a homeowner in New Jersey, you may have experienced the frustration of high property taxes. New Jersey property taxes are one of the highest in the nation, and for many homeowners, property tax bills can be a significant financial burden. However, if you believe that your property taxes are too high, you have…

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The Impact of Property Taxes | Home Values and Sales in New Jersey

Property taxes are a significant factor in the real estate market. In a state like New Jersey, known for its varying property tax rates, they can have a significant impact on home values and sales. We will explore how property taxes affect the real estate market in New Jersey. And how they affect homebuyers, homeowners,…

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What NJ Cities Have the Largest Jewish Populations?

According to the U.S. 2020 Census (and this is the latest data), the New Jersey population has grown to 9,288,994 residents, up nearly 6% from 8,791,894 in 2010. The growth has largely been driven by outflow from neighboring New York State both increasing demand on available inventory and on homes that are available for cash…

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Top 6 Background Music To Sell Your House

Selling a home can be a stressful experience. You might not think that, but music plays a large and integral role in every home sale. Whether you’re looking for a cash home buyer, a residential/MLS end-buyer, or you are working with a realtor… music should help soothe, relax and entice your buyers… in some form…

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What’s the deal with the “We Buy Houses” signs in NJ?

Ever wonder what the “We Buy Houses” signs really mean? You see them all over New Jersey, usually in middle to lower priced neighborhoods, and older transitional areas with a lot of fixers. Often the signs seems homemade and haphazardly placed. The words “fast” and “cash” are on most.  Some people will refer to them…

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